10 most populous countries in the world


China and India are considered the world’s most populous countries with about 1.4 billion people each.

Together, they make up about 36% of the world’s population with the United States following with some 336 million people.

With this figure, the U.S. is considered the third most populous country globally and has the biggest population within the Western Hemisphere.

Southeast Asia's Indonesia, with 281 million, and Pakistan's 252 million highlight the region's demographic significance.

In Africa, Nigeria ranks the highest with 236 million people and in South America, Brazil leads with 220 million.

Here is a list of some of the most populous countries in the world

China – 1,416,043,270

India – 1,409,128,296

United States – 336,673,595

Indonesia – 281,562,465

Pakistan – 252,363,572

Nigeria – 236,747.1302

Brazil – 220,051,512

Bangladesh – 168,697,184

Russia – 140,820,81

Mexico – 130,739,927

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