10 smallest countries in the world

When we think of countries, we often imagine vast landscapes and spread-out cities. However, some nations are so small that they could fit within a single city.

According to Britannica, here are the top ten smallest countries in the world by area:

Vatican City

The smallest country in the world, Vatican City, covers just 0.44 square kilometres. It is the spiritual and administrative centre of the Roman Catholic Church and is surrounded by the city of Rome, Italy.


Monaco is the second smallest country, with an area of 1.95 square kilometres. Known for its luxurious casinos and as a tax haven, Monaco is located on the French Riviera in Western Europe.


Nauru, an island country in Micronesia in the Pacific Ocean, covers 21 square kilometres. It is the smallest island country and the third smallest country overall.


Tuvalu consists of nine small islands in the Pacific Ocean, covering a total area of 26 square kilometres. It is known for its low elevation and vulnerability to rising sea levels.

San Marino

San Marino, surrounded by Italy, is one of the world's oldest republics and the 5th smallest country. It covers 61 square kilometres and is known for its medieval architecture and mountainous terrain.


Liechtenstein, found between Switzerland and Austria, covers 160 square kilometres. The world's 6th smallest country is wealthy, with a strong financial sector and stunning alpine scenery.

Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands, located in the central Pacific Ocean, cover 181 square kilometres. The 7th smallest country in the world consists of atolls and islands known for their marine biodiversity.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

As the world's 8th smallest, this two-island country in the Caribbean covers 261 square kilometres. It is known for its beautiful beaches and historical sites such as the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park, Romney Manor and the Alexander Hamilton Museum.


The Maldives, a tropical paradise in the Indian Ocean, covers 298 square kilometres. It is the 9th smallest country in the world and it's famous for its coral reefs, luxury resorts, and as a popular honeymoon destination.


Malta, an archipelago is the smallest country in the Mediterranean Sea and covers 316 square kilometres. Its rich history includes numerous fortresses, temples, and a vibrant cultural scene.

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