7 female soldiers get first-ever promotion to colonel in Rwanda

AI-generated image of an African woman in the army
Source: AI with Dall-E

The Rwandan Defence Force (RDF) has promoted seven women to the rank of colonel for the very first time in its history.

Lydia D. Bagwaneza of the Republican Guard; Betty Dukuze of the RDF General Headquarters; Belina Kayirangwa of the RDF Headquarters; Seraphine Nyirasafari of the Ministry of Defence; Marie Claire Muragijimana of the Engineer Brigade; Lausanne N. Ingabire of the RDF Command and Staff College in Musanze District in the northern province of Rwanda; and Stella Uwineza of the Air Force. Became the first women in Rwanda ever to make the rank of colonel.

The seven RDF officers were a part of the eighty-three lieutenant colonels to have been promoted to the rank of colonels in the East African nation.

Press release by the RDF announcing the promotions of RDF officers.

The RDF in 2007 introduced a Gender programme to increase the roles and responsibilities of women to achieve gender equality in society.

"One of the most important steps in the process of modernization that Rwanda Defence Force has accomplished during the last years has been the incorporation of women and girls in the Army. The process started back during our liberation struggle in which women significantly participated in combat operations and other related services. Promotions and appointments of women in RDF are done according to the laws, policies and regulations guiding the armed forces. Incorporation of women in RDF is in line with the constitutional obligations of inculcating gender in all sectors of the national life," the Rwandan Ministry of Defence in a statement promoting gender rights.

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