900 Mauritanian immigrants detained in the US

Source: Mauritania embassy in US Twitter account: https://twitter.com/usembnouakchott/status/1718641726212989303/photo/1

American authorities have detained 900 Mauritanian migrants who entered the US illegally through the Mexico border.

The migrants have been held at the US-Mexico border with the possibility of asylum in the United States or deportation back to Mauritania after a hearing from a judge, Sahara Media reports.

Last October, the US Department of State announced its intention to repatriate certain migrants to their countries of origin due to failure to meet the established conditions for staying in the United States.

The expulsion of more than seventy Mauritanian migrants, who arrived in Nouakchott, Mauritania’s capital on Friday, happened as a result of an agreement between the Mauritanian government through the Mauritanian Embassy in Washington and the American authorities as a standard procedure to guarantee that the expelled individuals would not be executed or tortured, according to Sahara Media.



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