An overview of the world's growing pig population


The Growing demand for pork and other pig products has steadily increased the global pig population over the years. As of 2022, the top pig-producing countries accounted for over 70% of the world's total pig population.

Global pork consumption has increased by 77%, rising from 63.5 million tons in 1990 to 113 million tons in 2022. This growth is largely driven by rising demand, pigs’ efficient feed conversion, and the higher profitability of pig farming.

Out of the vast global pig representation, China produces the most pigs. With a staggering 452.6 million pigs, the country accounts for over 50% of the world's total pig population.

The United States on the other hand is home to over 74.4 million pigs, making it the second-largest pig-producing country globally, while Brazil's pig population stands at over 44 million, with the country being a significant player in the global pork market.

Spain follows with a pig population of 34.1 million, and Russia comes in with a pig population of 26.2 million.

Key factors driving pig production:

Pigs are among the most efficient livestock in converting feed into protein. According to the National Hog Farmer, modern pig breeds have an FCR of around 2.7–3.5, meaning they require significantly less feed per kg of meat compared to cattle. This efficiency later translates into lower production costs, making pig farming more economically viable.

Additionally, modern pig farming has embraced innovations in genetics, nutrition, and housing. One key innovation is the Precision Livestock Farming (PLF). This entails automated systems for feeding, health monitoring, and environmental control to enhance productivity and animal welfare. Advanced breeding techniques have improved disease resistance, growth rates, and meat quality.

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