
Bangladesh: Citizens wake to torched government buildings, internet blackout- Video

Bangladesh woke up on Friday, July 19, to survey the aftermath of the deadliest day of ongoing student protests, which saw government buildings torched and a nationwide internet blackout imposed.

The protests, which have been escalating over the past month, reached a critical point on Thursday, July 18. Students took to the streets in large numbers, demanding an end to a controversial quota system that reserves more than half of civil service posts for specific groups. Critics argue that this system disproportionately benefits children of pro-government groups.

The protests turned violent, with demonstrators setting fire to numerous government buildings, including the Dhaka headquarters of state broadcaster Bangladesh Television. The clashes also resulted in at least 39 deaths, with the majority caused by police fire. Over 700 people were injured, including 104 police officers and 30 journalists.

In response to the escalating violence, the government has imposed a nationwide internet blackout and banned all public rallies in the capital, Dhaka. The police have also arrested several opposition leaders, including Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed, the joint secretary of the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party.

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