Burkina Faso launches indigenous languages TV channel

A man holds his national flag as people gather to show their support to the Junta leader Ibrahim Traore and demand the departure of the French ambassador at the Place de la Nation in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Vincent Bado
Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/burkina-faso-junta-says-it-thwarted-coup-attempt-tuesday-2023-09-27/

Burkina Faso has launched a television channel dedicated to the twelve national languages of the country after it removed French as its official language.

During the inauguration of RTB 3 on December 11, Burkina Faso’s Prime Minister Dr Apollinaire Joachimson Kyélèm, said its objective is to communicate government actions and plans to the entire population.

The channel has been created “to democratize and domesticate information,” he said, making it accessible to the majority of Burkinabè people which will keep them informed on the orientations of the transitional government and involved in the development actions of the government, local media Aouoaga reported.

The twelve national languages of Burkina Faso include Mooré, Jula, Fulfuldé, Gulmacéma, Dagara, Bissa, Lobiri, Bwamu, Liélé, Bobomandarè, San and Dafing.

Earlier this month, Burkina Faso introduced a new bill that removed French as its official language. Apollinaire explained that this initiative aligns with the transitional authorities’ vision to elevate national languages to the status of official languages.

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