Businesses brace for disruption as anti-immigration protests loom

Windows are being boarded up across the UK as police, residents, and businesses prepare for anticipated disruption from planned anti-immigration protests.
In Northampton, shops and properties have begun taking precautionary measures in response to concerns about potential chaos from right-wing rioters.
Pub landlords and estate agents are among those expressing concern after receiving warnings from police about the protests scheduled for Wednesday, August 7.
In London, where demonstrations are planned at four locations, local businesses were visited by authorities yesterday and advised to secure their premises. Similarly, shops in Bristol have also boarded up their windows, fearing possible targeting by protestors.
An immigration bureau near Walthamstow Central underground station in northeast London has been identified online as one of the potential protest sites in the capital. As the planned protests draw closer, businesses across the country are bracing for potential disruptions.