Chinese Fighter Jets Engage in Tactical Circles Around Philippine Aircraft

Aircraft of the Philippine Air Force and the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command participate in the joint Philippines-U.S. Maritime Cooperative Activity in the vicinity of Batanes and an area of the South China Sea that falls within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, November 21, 2023. Philippine Air Force/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES
Source: X80001

Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), General Romeo Brawner Jr., reported on Monday that two Chinese fighter planes circled a Philippine aircraft during its joint patrols with Australia in the West Philippine Sea over the weekend.

For around fifteen minutes on Sunday, the two PLO aircraft circled the A-29B Super Tucano of the Philippine Air Force, according to Brawner. Despite the mishap, he claimed, the Philippine aircraft successfully completed its mission.

"They were flying above when they circled the area, but the circling lasted about 15 minutes, and our aircraft successfully completed its mission. They completed their maritime air patrol in the WPS without any untoward incident," Brawner said in a media briefing.

The AFP chief noted that the actions of the Chinese jets were not unusual. "I don’t think it’s unusual. In fact, it happened this year. May of this year when a US aircraft was also flying over the South China Sea and they also encountered Chinese PLA Air Force aircraft circling them," Brawner explained.

"So, this is not the first time this happened. It also happened between a Japanese aircraft and a Chinese aircraft and between a US aircraft and a Chinese aircraft. This time, with our own aircraft. It seems this is the tactic of China over the South China Sea," he continued.

He emphasized that the Philippines had every right to engage in joint patrols with allies to uphold the international order based on established rules.

The combined maritime and aerial patrols involving Australia and the Philippines are anticipated to continue until Monday, November 27. According to Brawner, there have been no reported incidents.

In the previous week, the Philippines and the United States conducted three-day joint maritime and air patrols in the West Philippine Sea, with a Chinese warship also monitoring their activities.

Defense and military officials are optimistic that multilateral patrols with other like-minded nations in the West Philippine Sea will be conducted soon.

“Aside from the bilateral exercises and joint operations that we are doing, there are some countries expressing their desire to conduct joint maritime and air patrols, not just bilaterally but multilaterally. Right now, there is no specific plan yet, but we are continuously talking with our allies and partners, so this is a possibility probably by next year,” Brawner added.

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