Guinea-Bissau Roundup: Coup attempts, IMF grants, parliament approvals


Shootings and gunfires

Intense shootings occurred around the Guinea-Bissau presidential palace on December 1 2023. Heavily armed military persons from the Intervention and Reserve Brigade (BIR) of the National Guard are said to have engaged in shooting and allegedly released some government officials including a minister from the main opposition party detained for suspected misuse of public funds. The incident according to local news outlet Rispito resulted in deaths and injuries and created panic among the population.

Attempted coup allegations

President of Guinea-Bissau, General Umaro Sissoco Embaló has described the incident as an attempted coup d'état financed by some politicians and moral actors. According to local news outlet Odemocrata, the president revealed in a statement to media persons that several vehicles were ceased and members of the BIR forces were detained, with some confessing and mentioning names of persons who financed the action. He also assured that the event will be investigated and updates made clear to everyone.

ECOWAS response to chaos

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has condemned the violence that broke out in Guinea-Bissau and has called for the persecution of those involved in the incident intended to disrupt the constitutional order of the country. In a statement, ECOWAS further expressed solidarity with the people and constitutional authority of Guinea-Bissau.

IMF grants

The Board of Directors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have concluded a third assessment under the credit mechanism extended to Guinea-Bissau, allowing the disbursement of a sum of 8.23 ​​million US dollars to support the country’s balance of payments.  According to Odemocrata, the move which was completed on November 30, 2023, was announced through a press release issued by the Communication Office of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, in which it recalls that the three-year agreement, approved on January 30, 2023, aims to guarantee debt sustainability, improve governance and reduce corruption while creating fiscal space for inclusive growth.

Parliament approvals

 Ginea-Bissau’s parliament has approved the General State Budget Law for the 2023 financial year. This was approved by the National Popular Assembly (ANP) on November 28, 2023, with 92 votes from the deputies present. According to Rispito, the information was contained in a note from the Press Office of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. “To support the 2023 budget execution, the Government will collect taxes, fees, contributions and other revenues provided for by current legislation and in accordance with the changes contained in the current law,” the statement further noted.

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