Gunfire, opposition leader killed ahead of Chad elections: summary


What we know

  • There was heavy gunfire near the headquarters of Chad’s opposition Socialist Party Without Borders in the capital city, N'Djamena, resulting in several casualties.
  • The violence unfolds against the backdrop of heightened tensions leading up to the presidential election scheduled for May and June. The election could mark a crucial step towards restoring constitutional rule in Chad, three years after military authorities took control, Reuters reports.
  • Security forces have cordoned off the opposition party's headquarters following the clash near Chad's internal security agency. Conflicting accounts of the incident emerged from the government and the Socialist Party Without Borders.
  • According to the government, the security agency was attacked by representatives of the opposition party, led by Yaya Dillo, resulting in several deaths. The government also reported a separate incident involving Ahmed Torabi, a party member who allegedly attempted to assassinate the president of the Supreme Court, Samir Adam Annour Torabi, who was arrested, according to official statements.
  • While the incident seems presently contained and directed toward the opposition party, diplomats are closely monitoring the situation for any signs of exposing divisions within the security forces
  • Internet monitor Netblocks reported a disruption in internet connectivity in Chad following the reported attack on the security agency headquarters. Authorities and international observers are closely watching developments to assess the extent and nature of the unrest.
  • Meanwhile, Reuters further reports that Yaya Dillo was killed during a shootout with security forces. This follows the government's accusation against him for instigating the attack on the country's security agency and his subsequent denial.

What they said

The leader of the Socialist Party Without Borders (PSF), Yaya Dillo, who reportedly has been killed, was a prominent critic of Chad's transitional president, Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno. Dillo, while alive denied any connection to the attack that resulted in several casualties. He said, “The desired goal is to prevent me, to physically eliminate me, to make me afraid so that I don't go to the election." The attack occurred a day after the announcement of election dates to possibly restore the country to democratic rule. The government of the Central African nation also said in a statement “that anyone attempting to disrupt the ongoing democratic process in the country will face legal action and be brought to justice.”

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