Hair places Nigerian woman in Guinness Book of World Records


Nigerian hairdresser Helen Williams has made history as the world’s longest-hand-made hair maker. The professional wigmaker gained recognition and a spot in the Guinness World Records after making a wig that stretches an incredible 351.28 metres.

Announcing the development on their website, Guinness World Records indicated that Hellen who has been in the profession for eight years spent 11 days and over two million naira ($2,000) to produce the wig.

Helen completed the hairpiece using 1,000 bundles of hair, 12 cans of spray, 35 tubes of hair glue and 6,250 hair clips.

This was after crafting the underlay with the wig-cap net and black fabric attached to a bicycle helmet.

She explained that friends and family encouraged her to persist when it got exhausting and tiring at certain points.

“Finding the materials to make the longest wig was not an easy task,” Helen was quoted by Guinness World Records.

“My experience as a wigmaker helped a lot. At some point, I felt exhausted. However, friends and family encouraged me. I did not want to let them down, so I maintained my focus. The outcome is the longest handmade wig in the world,” she said.

Helen told the Guinness World Records that finding a place to lay the hair was difficult because of the length. She ultimately decided to use the Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway, a long road that connects the cities of Lagos and Abeokuta.

The hair now lies in her office where people can view it whenever they want to.

The Guinness World Records shared the link on social media platform X.

Helen in her profession produces between 50 to 300 wigs every week and has trained several students who have also produced thousands of wigs.

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