Jerusalem resident detained for suspected Iranian spy plot

An Israeli resident of Jerusalem has been arrested on suspicion of being in contact with Iranian intelligence agents as part of a plot to carry out an attack in Israel in return for payment, Israeli security forces said on Tuesday.
The 23-year-old man was activated by an Iranian agent known as "John" in October and arrested in November on suspicion of committing security offences, said a joint statement from spokeswomen for the Shin Bet security service and Israel police.
It said their investigation showed he had proposed cutting off the power to the Jerusalem light rail system and sent a video to his Iranian operator in an attempt to locate the power supply.
It said he searched social networks to purchase a gun, a silencer and materials to produce explosives for the purpose of carrying out an attack in Israel.
The suspect had been detained and an indictment was expected in coming days, the statement read.
Reuters reported last week on the arrest of almost 30 mostly Jewish citizens who allegedly spied for Iran in nine covert cells in what four Israeli security sources said was Tehran's biggest effort in decades to infiltrate its arch foe.
The arrests followed repeated Iranian intelligence efforts over the last two years to recruit ordinary Israelis to gather intelligence and carry out attacks in exchange for money, the four officials said.
This article was produced by Reuters news agency. It has not been edited by Global South World.