Life expectancy in South America rises over the past decade

Over the past 50 years, life expectancy across South America has significantly increased, rising from an average of 59 years to 75 years today.

This improvement reflects advancements in healthcare, education, and living standards throughout the continent.

The highest life expectancies are found in the southern regions, with Chile leading at 78.9 years, followed by the Falkland Islands at 78.6 years, and French Guiana at 77.2 years.

However, disparities remain, as Bolivia (63.6 years), Guyana (65.7 years), and Paraguay and Suriname (both 70.3 years) record the lowest life expectancies.

These figures highlight ongoing challenges related to healthcare access and economic development, particularly in more remote and less developed areas.

The South American map showing the life expectancy data

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