Limpopo Hospital in South Africa operates without water for two years

Boreholes installed near the Nthabalala clinic near Elim in Limpopo, South Africa have been out of service since 2022.

Patients at the facility have been left with no choice but to provide water when they visit the hospital.

Community members say that the borehole which used to serve about 11 other villages has since not been replaced.

While authorities at the Limpopo Department of Health acknowledge the problem, they indicate that efforts are underway to construct a working borehole to tackle the situation.

“The Vhembe District Municipality, which is the water authority, is providing water through tanks to the clinic. Water trucks supply clean water but the allegations will be investigated,” Department of Health spokesperson, Neil Shikwambana, Limpopo told news outlet GroundUp that they are aware of the problem.

A community leader John Makamu indicated that water from tanks brought in by the Vhembe District Municipality are not potable.

“Patients and nurses should not be carrying water from their homes,” Makamu noted.

Molatedzi Ramaano from the Health and Allied Workers Indaba Trade Union on his part called for swift action from authorities to prevent threats to the lives of patients of the clinic.

Molatedzi Ramaano from the Health and Allied Workers Indaba Trade Union said: “We have had complaints of patients who need to be rehydrated or mothers giving birth who need a lot of water. We call the relevant department to adhere to the principles of hygiene that could threaten the lives of our patients,” he was quoted by GroundUp.

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