Mali jails professor for criticising military junta

FILE PHOTO: Colonel Assimi Goita, leader of two military coups and new interim president, speaks during his inauguration ceremony in Bamako, Mali June 7, 2021. REUTERS/Amadou Keita/File Photo

A leading Malian economist and academic has received a two-year prison sentence, with one year suspended following his criticism of the military junta.

Étienne Fakaba Sissoko has been in custody since March over allegations of distributing fake news through a book he published in 2023.

He is facing charges of defamation and damaging of state reputation. The 41-year-old is also required to pay a fine of 3m CFA francs ($4,900; £3,900), BBC reports.

His lawyer Ibrahim Marhouf Sacko has announced plans to appeal the court’s verdict while maintaining he was “not surprised”.

In his defence in court earlier, Sissoko indicated that his book titled, “Propaganda, Agitation, and Harassment – government communication during the transition in Mali” was factual.

The book labels allegations of manipulation and lies to sway public opinion against the junta.

Human rights groups say Sissoko’s arrest is the latest case in a widespread crackdown on critics and political opponents of the military rulers.

The military junta banned media coverage of politics and suspended political party activities in April 2024, arresting persons who defied the orders.

Junta leader Assimi Goïta came to power in a coup in 2020 following anti-government protests.

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