More and more Filipinos accept part-time work, market research shows

Approximately 60 percent of adult Filipinos are involved in various forms of part-time work, a market research firm reported.

According to Agile Data Solutions, many individuals in the Philippines are managing multiple part-time jobs, with women typically holding a single part-time position, while men are more inclined to have two or more part-time roles.

Jason Gaguan, Chairman and CEO of Agile Data Solutions, noted that there is a growing trend among Filipinos, especially the younger generation, to seek part-time employment as a means to augment their income and achieve financial stability.

The survey conducted by the firm revealed that the most sought-after part-time positions among Filipinos are in call centers, as virtual assistants, service crew members, salespersons, and roles in information technology. Additionally, the survey indicated that most individuals prefer working from home.

Gaguan emphasized that this trend is further fueled by ongoing economic challenges and the high inflation rate, which reached 6.1 percent in September.

Among individuals with part-time jobs, about 78 percent of men and 76 percent of women stated that they need to save their income. Some part-time workers reported earning as much as P10,000 per month from their side hustles.

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