Most popular gaming genres by generation


The gaming landscape is diverse and ever-evolving, with different generations gravitating towards various genres.

According to Newzoo's Global Gamer Study, here are the most popular gaming genres by generation:

Baby Boomers (1945-1964)

50% of Baby Boomers enjoy Puzzles. This generation loves the mental challenge and simplicity of puzzle games.

Generation X (1965-1980)

Like Baby Boomers, 46% of Gen Xers appreciate puzzle games for their cognitive engagement.

Millennials (1981-1994)

46% of Millenials prefer Adventure games: The narrative-driven experiences of adventure games are popular among this generation.

Generation Z (1995-2009)

Gen Z enjoys the creativity and freedom and creativity offered by adventure games.

Generation Alpha (2010 and 2024)

Adventure games captivate Generation Alpha with their engaging stories and exploration elements.

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