Niger Roundup: German military cooperation, drug bust, French disengagement

General Abdourahmane Tiani, who was declared as the new head of state of Niger by leaders of a coup, arrives to meet with ministers in Niamey, Niger July 28, 2023.

Drug bust

The Central Office for the Suppression of Illicit Drug Trafficking (OCRTIS) in Niamey has arrested two Nigerian nationals involved in drug trafficking. The Anti-Traffic Airport Unit (CAAT) seized 12.145 kg of cocaine, valued at 1.25 billion CFA francs ($12m), at the Diori Hamani International Airport, Le Sahel has reported. "The initial elements of the investigation have highlighted the dimension of the criminal organization to which the individual belongs and its modus operandi. Indeed, it has ramifications in several countries. The individual left Lagos (Nigeria) on December 15, 2023, to go to Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), where he took the drugs to transport them to Niamey. On-site, other individuals are expected for the occasion and will ensure the transport of the drug by land to Agadez before going to the Maghreb and then to Europe,” said the police. Subsequent investigations led to the arrest of the second suspect in Niamey also of Nigerian nationality, belonging to the same network and holding two passports.The network was dismantled during a document check on an Ethiopian Airlines flight from Addis Ababa on December 16, 2023. The suspects had concealed the drugs in their luggage. Investigations revealed the extent of the criminal organization, with connections in multiple countries.

Last French troops leave Niamey

The French military has completed its withdrawal from Niger after over two and a half months of logistical operations. The departure, marking the end of the disengagement process in the Sahel, was finalised with the signing of a joint procedure document in the presence of guarantor parties Togo and the United States, Le Sahel reports. The transfer of the premises of the projected airbase in Niamey was also part of the withdrawal process. Notably, the withdrawal, which involved 145 flights and the disengagement of all French military personnel, occurred without major incidents, except for two-vehicle accidents involving National Gendarmerie escorts. The inspection of the French base by representatives and guarantor parties confirmed the visual withdrawal of troops and equipment from various locations, concluding at the airstrip.

General Abdourahamane Tiani meets Faure Gnassingbé

Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani, the President of the National Council for the Safeguarding of the Fatherland (CNSP) and Head of State of Niger, is currently undertaking a diplomatic mission to Lomé, Togo, on December 8, 2023. Accompanied by members of the CNSP and representatives from the Transitional Government, the purpose of this visit is to address the ongoing crisis between Niger and ECOWAS, Niger Express reports. The authorities in Niamey have sought the assistance of President Faure Gnassingbé of Togo to mediate in the dispute, which led to substantial economic sanctions against Niger following events on July 26, 2023. "I exchanged this Friday with General Abdourahamane Tiani, President of the CNSP of Niger, on a working visit to Togo…attached to dialogue and consultation to promote regional integration and development, Togo remains committed to a peaceful approach in solving the difficulties facing our countries," Gnassingbé wrote on social media.

France closes embassy

The French government through its Ambassador to Niger, Sylvain Itté has announced the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs' decision to indefinitely close the French Embassy in Niamey. The decision, announced by the diplomat expelled by the country's new military authorities, is attributed to the challenges faced by France's diplomatic representation in Niger in carrying out its assigned missions since the events of last July, ActuNiger reports. "Since the coup d'état of July 26, 2023, and the violent attack it suffered on July 30, 2023, the French Embassy has been unable to exercise the full functions assigned to diplomatic representation because of the restrictions imposed on it by the Nigerien authorities," he wrote in a communique addressed to staff. Adding that "the competent Nigerien authorities did not respond favourably to the maintenance of the activities of the French Embassy in Niger under normal conditions. The Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic is unfortunately forced to close the embassy for an indefinite period". Consequently, the entire staff has been collectively dismissed and will be afforded their respective rights.

Niger reunites with Germany

German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius has announced the forthcoming resumption of military cooperation with Niger in 2024. The renewed partnership will encompass training for special forces, military transport support, and the construction of a Reference Military Hospital in Niamey, financed by Germany with an estimated cost of 20 billion CFA francs, ActuNiger reports. This decision follows the suspension of military cooperation between the two nations in the aftermath of the events on July 26, 2023. Minister Pistorius revealed these plans during a working session held on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, in Niamey, where he engaged in discussions with Minister of State and Minister of National Defence, Army Corps General Salifou Mody. "Niger now intends to strictly frame the parking of foreign forces on its territory by texts…this strategic partnership with Germany will accompany the strengthening of Niger's defence capabilities in respect of its regained sovereignty," General Mody explained. The meeting, attended by key military figures from both countries, included Brigadier General Moussa Salaou Barmou, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, Colonel-Major Salissou Mainassara, Chief of Staff of the Air Force on the Nigerien side, and various military officials from Germany accompanying Minister Pistorius.

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