Nigerian solo driver completes trip from London to Lagos in 68 days

Pelumi Nubi in Spain during the start of her solo trip
Source: Official Instagram account of Pelumi Nubi

Pelumi Nubi, a UK-based Nigerian travel content creator, has completed her solo 68-day journey from London to Lagos, Nigeria.

The 28-year-old adventurer, who embarked on this road trip in January, was greeted with a warm reception by Nigerian officials upon her arrival in a Peugeot car at the Nigeria-Benin border on April 7.

During her trip which she documented on social media, Nubi experienced challenges including a 24-hour delay at the border in Liberia and being denied entry to Sierra Leone.

She also survived a car crash shortly after entering Liberia but received prompt medical attention and had her vehicle repaired before continuing her journey. As a result, she postponed her intended return home, which was initially scheduled for March 23.

“Thank God for safe journey and ’am really excited to be here. ” I was very lonely, I missed my family and friends. I was shaken when I had an accident but I’m grateful it was just a temporary setback,” she told Nigerian media Vanguard.

Across 17 countries, Nubi's route took her through Europe, across the Sahara Desert, and into West Africa.

Nubi told the media that her goal was not merely to break records but to challenge the notion of impossibility.

“I embarked on the journey in order to connect the two places I call home. I wanted to undertake something truly brave, something that symbolically connects the two places I consider home and where I’ve spent significant time,” Nubi added.

Before her trip, Nubi mentioned that the total expenses for the journey would amount to approximately $20,000 covering fuel, accommodation, and other essential needs.

Her exploits is not the first of its kind to have happened on the African continent. In 2023, a group of Ghanaian philanthropist known as Wanderlust Ghana, set off on a similar cross-continental expedition, driving 10,000km from Accra to London.

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