PH Department of Foreign Affairs criticizes China's allegation of "intrusion" near contested shoal

FILE PHOTO: A Philippine flagged boat is blocked by a China Coast Guard vessel during an incident that resulted in a collision between the two vessels, in the disputed waters of the South China Sea in this screen grab obtained from handout video released October 22, 2023. China Coast Guard/Handout via REUTERS/File Photo
Source: X80001

Philippines’ Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Thursday criticized China for its allegations of intrusion by the Philippines near Scarborough Shoal, stating that China's actions were exacerbating tensions in the West Philippine Sea.

According to the Chinese People's Liberation Army - Southern Theater Command, the Philippine Navy ship BRP Conrado Yap was accused of entering waters close to Scarborough (Bajo de Masinloc) on October 30, 2023.

The DFA firmly declared that this claim "lacks a legal basis." Bajo de Masinloc, also known as Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal, is situated 124 nautical miles west of Zambales and falls within the Philippines' 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

Meanwhile, Colonel Medel Aguilar, spokesperson for the Armed Forces of the Philippines, explained that BRP Conrado Yap was conducting its routine sovereignty patrol in those waters. During this period, a Chinese vessel trailed the Philippine vessel, but no adverse incidents occurred.

"The closest point they had is about 2.7 nautical miles, so there is no restriction and the Chinese ship did nothing to our ship," Aguilar said during the public briefing.

"Maybe what should be stopped is what they are doing illegally inside our maritime zone. They should not be there and they should not be harassing our fishermen.”

Aguilar said the Philippines would continue doing its maritime patrols.

"Our rotation and resupply mission in Ayungin Shoal will also continue. We will do all this so that we can protect our countrymen, especially those who depend on fishing in the West Philippine Sea," he said.

During the same public briefing, Aguilar stated that resupply missions for Filipino troops stationed on the BRP Sierra Madre at Ayungin Shoal were considered "our duty."

When questioned about the necessity of involvement from the United States and other nations in the resupply mission, Aguilar said, "It is for our country to make sure that we fulfill our responsibility."

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) asserted that Scarborough Shoal is an "indispensable component" of the nation and emphasized that the Philippines possesses the full entitlement to carry out maritime patrols in its vicinity as a component of its administrative duties.

"There is no obligation for the Philippines as the sovereign state to seek the approval of another when navigating its own territorial sea," DFA said.

"Beyond the territorial sea of Bajo de Masinloc is the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf generated from the main Philippine archipelago, over which the Philippines exercises sovereign rights and jurisdiction," the statement added

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