Rare animals found in Cambodia’s hidden wilderness

Virachey National Park in northeastern Cambodia has revealed a wealth of rare wildlife in a new biodiversity survey.
The park, often called the “Amazon of Asia,” is one of the country’s largest protected areas, covering over 1,500 square miles of thick forests and mountains.
The survey, carried out by Fauna & Flora with Cambodia’s Ministry of Environment, uncovered some incredible findings at this park.
Among the discoveries was a deer species called the large-antlered muntjac, one of the most endangered deer in the world, which had never been recorded in Cambodia before.
The survey also confirmed the presence of several other rare animals, including sun bears, clouded leopards, red-shanked douc langurs, and Sunda pangolins.
According to the Brandenton Herald, researchers used a mix of trail cameras and field surveys to study the park’s wildlife.
They also collected water samples to analyse environmental DNA, a technique that helped identify 161 species of vertebrates, including 15 threatened species such as the Asiatic softshell turtle and the Asian black bear.
The park is now known to have one of the largest populations of northern yellow-cheeked crested gibbons in the world, with about 2,000 groups confirmed.
These endangered primates are only found in a few forests in Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia, making the discovery vital for their conservation.
Other first-time discoveries in Cambodia included two bat species, a species of glass lizard, a gecko, and even new plants like a ginger and an orchid. These findings highlight the park’s importance as a biodiversity hotspot.
Pablo Sinovas, who led the research team, said the discoveries show how special the park is and why it must be protected. He added that Virachey National Park plays a crucial role in fighting climate change by storing large amounts of carbon in its forests.
The survey, which began in 2018, was a huge effort involving teams hiking into remote areas of the park.