Same country, different holidays: How Germany's regions celebrate

Germany may be one country, but its holidays are not the same everywhere.
Some holidays are celebrated only in certain states, each with its own unique story.
In the Protestant north, Reformation Day on October 31 honours Martin Luther’s role in the Reformation. It marks the day in 1517 when he challenged the Catholic Church, which sparked a religious revolution. The holiday is marked in seven German states.
In the Catholic south, All Saints' Day on November 1 is a time to remember saints, martyrs, and loved ones who have passed away. Families visit cemeteries, honour the dead and reflect on a deep-rooted tradition. It is observed in 5 regions including Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, and Saarland.
Meanwhile, states like Berlin and Hesse don’t observe either holiday, leaving them out of these unique regional celebrations.
Here’s a representation by World In Maps.