
Senegal 'agri-influencers' embrace social media to help boost sales: Video

Senegalese farmer Mame Abdou Diop is using social media to expand his mango business, transforming what began as a fun hobby into a successful marketing tool. Diop uses his phone to shoot a promotional video for his growing number of social media followers. 

What began as a casual hobby for the young agricultural entrepreneur has evolved into a powerful tool for expanding his business.

"I started making these videos just for fun, not realizing the impact social media could have. But recently, I've seen a significant increase in clients, especially from Europe. Even from afar, they're able to see what I'm doing," Diop shared.

Diop's social media presence has increased his customer base, allowing him to connect with buyers who might never have discovered his produce otherwise.

"Thanks to the videos I make, I've doubled or even tripled the number of my regular customers. Social media has proven to be an incredibly effective marketing tool, far more impactful than the professional marketing services I initially considered," he said.

Unlike traditional marketing methods, Diop prefers to create his content, valuing the authenticity and personal touch it brings. Diop's efforts have not gone unnoticed. One of his European clients, who discovered his mangoes on Instagram, praised the convenience and quality of his products. 

"I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw his post. The prices were affordable, and the quality was excellent. I contacted him, and he delivered on time, allowing me to process and resell the mangoes at a profit," the customer said.

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