
Spanish zoo animals get icy treats to beat the heat

Spanish zoo authorities have adopted an innovative way to keep animals in their facilities from suffering extreme heat effects.

The country like many other European countries has received heatwave warnings by the Meteorological Agency (AEMET) as temperatures threaten to reach 43C in the southeast.

At Bioparc Zoo in Fuengirola where animals live in a recreation of their natural habitat, authorities are giving zoo animals cold snacks to reduce the effects of high temperatures.

The fruits are frozen in juice to create tropical ice-creams. Vegetables are also frozen in various sauces to get similar effects.

"We made tropical fruit ice cream. What fruits have we used? Nectarine, peach, grape, all those kinds of fruits that are not usually part of their daily diet, and that are the most attractive. We have frozen them on one side, in juice ice creams mixed with these fruits, and the melon that I have right behind me, is juice ice cream, mixed with baby food,” Zoo keeper at Bioparc Fuengirola, Javier Tomas Vicens was quoted by AFP.


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