
Taliban gear up for third anniversary of Afghanistan takeover: Video

As August 15 approaches, the Taliban are gearing up to mark the third anniversary of their takeover of Afghanistan. This significant date commemorates their return to power following the withdrawal of US and NATO forces after two decades of conflict.

For the Taliban, this anniversary is a symbol of their resilience and victory over foreign intervention. It marks the day they regained control of Kabul and established their rule, which they view as restoring their rightful governance.

The international community continues to watch Afghanistan closely. The United Nations has stated that recognition of the Taliban government remains impossible as long as restrictions on women and other human rights violations persist

Meanwhile, On Monday, August 12, a group of women's rights activists in Takhar protested against the Taliban's policies. During the march, they chanted slogans denouncing "gender apartheid," asserting that the Taliban cannot silence women's voices through force.

Women's rights movements, both in Afghanistan and globally, have issued statements ahead of August 15, marking the third anniversary of the Taliban's return to power, calling it the "darkest day in Afghanistan's modern history."

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