
'The biggest lie', 'necessary', 'broken system'. What do you think of capitalism?

For some, capitalism brings prosperity. For others, it deepens inequality. Where do you stand?

Global South World asked people across three continents whether they think capitalism is working.

Here's some of what they said.

You can share your opinions on our Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or X posts.

Is capitalism working?
Global South World took to the streets of Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Bangkok and Accra to ask everyday people: Is capitalism working?

Bangkok, Thailand

Ayush: "The idea of capitalism is that, if you let the free market regulate, companies will be able to charge an amount that they want to, customers will look for the best deal, and then they meet in the middle. Customers get the best deal and we pay the lowest for the best service. But I feel like that doesn't apply to things like health care and housing, which are pretty f*cking important. So no, I don't think capitalism is working."

Ethan: "I don’t know but I buy a lot of stuff and that’s capitalism."

Mahmoud: "Capitalism, unfortunately, is working. Without capitalism, I don't think the world turns the way it turns."

Aiden: "Capitalism has always been a broken system. Unfortunately, there is no worldwide system yet that can actively replace it [...] Would I like to see something replace capitalism? Yes. Do I see it happening anytime soon? Unfortunately, no."

Azman: "Consumers have choices. If you prefer an iPhone, you can buy an iPhone. If you want a Samsung, you can buy a Samsung. There is a price for everyone [...] I feel it works."

Aiya: "Honestly… No."

Yuta: "When capitalism is in place, people are more worried about making as much money as they can instead of the main goal [...] which is either saving our planet or finding another planet that we can live in."

Fam: "A lot of people would judge me, but I think capitalism is the biggest lie ever. It doesn’t work. It's an unfair distribution of wealth and power."

Kim: "Yes and no. There are no middle-class families anymore."

Larry: "Absolutely. It's the only thing that has worked."

Vince: "They need to give back what people need."

Accra, Ghana

Nancy: "Capitalism is not really working. I would prefer socialism to capitalism."

Shadrach: "Yes, but we don't seem to have any country that practises pure capitalism."

Joyceline: "I don't think it's working because it only gives power to a few."

Felix: "Capitalism is working. I think some countries don't like practising it."

Ansah: "Capitalism is working, especially in Ghana."

Evans: "In European countries, when you go there, capitalism is working perfectly. But here in Ghana, it's not like that."

Godwin: "Capitalism is not working [...] The richer will keep getting richer and the poorer will keep getting poorer."

Ruth: "Yes. I feel it's working for a few."

Samuel: "It works for a few. In Ghana, it favours those who have businesses, those in politics. We, the ordinary persons, are left out of this capitalist ideology."

John: "It's not working. It only benefits those who are in charge."

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Erleyvaldo: "No. We have problems that are consequences of capitalism."

Eduardo: "No. Politics keep going without resolving anything. It’s always the same."

Tarcio: "No, it only works in the media, in their propaganda."

Victoria: "No, definitely not. Especially here in Rio de Janeiro. There is so much social inequality, so much contrast, so many people in the street… I don’t think it's working very well."

Brenno: "I don’t think any country could live completely without capitalism. There are negative aspects, but I think it is necessary."

Maria Clara: "Capitalism has failed. There is a lot of inequality, many people with a lot of money, others with little, there is no egalitarian distribution of wealth… I don't think it's working."

Silvia: "No. It’s not about saying it’s completely wrong, but it needs to be revised. Its consequences will eventually lead to the end of humanity. But I believe in human potential to review this system and find a solution."

Artur: "The world is capitalist, and that’s it. Money runs the world, unfortunately."

Mayara: "No, it never worked, it never will. Politics, corruption... In Brazil, especially here in Rio de Janeiro."

Anderson: "More or less. It’s good for the rich, right? For us poor people, it’s much harder. Now with the high dollar and high inflation, it’s even worse."

Maria: "I don’t think it’s working very well."

Tokyo, Japan

Interviewee 1: "It's probably not helping climate change. I guess we could have a better society model than capitalism."

Interviewee 2: "Yes for some people but no for others."

Interviewee 3: "Capitalism isn't giving us any solutions for climate change or the modern problems that we're facing. It's time for us to consider other solutions."

Interviewee 4: "Depends on who you're talking to. As a broke uni student, I'd say probably not. If I was the CEO of some big chain, and I was earning three million a month, committing tax evasion and stuff, I might have a different answer."

Interviewee 5: "I can't think of a better system to put in its place. But having completely unfettered capitalism with no restraints is a horrifically awful system. So, it's about finding that sort of nuance between social capitalism."

Interviewee 6: "We need to consider alternatives, but I don't think that people in power are willing to let that happen. They are invested in the system, it makes them money. Oppression of the working class is the only way to ensure that they can stay nice and comfy at the top."

Interviewee 7: "There's not a better alternative so far."

Interviewee 8: "No, it's not working at all."

A Global South World video series

This video is part of a Global South World’s series exploring global opinions on pressing issues.

You can share your thoughts on our Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or X posts.

In previous videos we asked:

Is the US a friendly power?

Are you scared of AI?

Stay tuned for more perspectives.

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