The plight of brown bears: A global struggle for survival


With only 200,000 brown bears remaining worldwide, their fate hangs in the balance.

Russia has about 120,000 brown bears which represent the 60% of the global population.

The USA follows closely with a 33,000 population. In Canada, 25,000 brown bears can be found.

Europe holds 14,000 fragmented populations of the species. While Romania's Carpathian region boasts 5,000 brown bears, the largest population outside Russia, this animal is threatened by overhunting.

Additionally, countries like Slovakia and Sweden have a population of 3, 000 and 2, 900 respectively.

In Asia, Japan accounts for 2,200 brown bears.

Although the global brown bear population is stable according to the World Wildlife Fund, we must protect them from going extinct.

The Fund adds that the bears are considered a high priority in conservation due to their ability to spread seeds for new plant lives. By preying on other animals, they also help to keep the population of species in check.

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