Top 10 countries with the highest annual chocolate consumption per capita

Chocolate is one of the most popular treats around the world, with millions of people devouring it every day. While chocolate is loved by people of all ages and backgrounds, some countries stand out for their exceptionally high per-capita chocolate consumption.

According to the World Population Review, these countries have the highest annual chocolate consumption per capita.

Switzerland is renowned for its high-quality chocolate, and it's no surprise that the Swiss tops the list with an average consumption of 8.8 kg (19.4 pounds) per person per year.

Coming in second is Austria with an average annual chocolate consumption of 8.1 kg (17.8 pounds) per person.

Germany is famous and places third in its chocolate market, with an average annual consumption of 7.9 kg (17.4 pounds) per person. German chocolate is known for its high cocoa content and delicious flavour.

The chocolatey list continues with Ireland consuming an average of 7.9 kg (17.4 pounds) of chocolate per person per year, making it fourth in rank.

The UK is fifth on the list as it consumes an average of 7.6 kg (16.7 pounds) of chocolate per person per year.

Additionally, Sweden follows in sixth place with a per capita consumption of an average of 6.6 kg (14.5 pounds) of chocolate per person per year

Estonia ranks seventh by consuming an average of 6.5 kg (14.3 pounds) of chocolate per person per year, while Norway consumes an average of 5.8 kg (12.7 pounds) of chocolate per person per year, making it eighth on the list.

The last two countries of the ten include Poland which consumes an average of 5.7 kg (12.5 pounds) of chocolate and Belgium consumes an average of 5.6 kg (12.3 pounds) of chocolate per person annually, making them ninth and tenth on the list respectively.

Below is a graphical representation of the top 10 countries by World Visualized:

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