Top 5 countries in the world favouring legal abortion

Abortion rights and laws have transformed significantly over the years, moving from being a taboo subject to one that faced widespread disapproval, and finally to a point where it is accepted by many.

This conversation appears to be sensitive and delicate, as it raises ethical and moral questions about the termination of human life.

However, its laws vary significantly across the globe, with some countries offering more liberal access to abortion services than others.

Here are five countries known for their progressive stance on legal abortion as provided by the Pew Research Centre:


Sweden is renowned for its liberal abortion laws. The country has 95% tolerance for this process as women in Sweden can access abortion services on request up to the 18th week of pregnancy. After this period, abortions can still be performed with the approval of the National Board of Health and Welfare if there are serious reasons, such as health risks to the mother or severe fetal anomalies.


France allows abortion with an 87% score on request up to 14 weeks of pregnancy. Beyond this period, abortions are permitted if two physicians certify that continuing the pregnancy would pose a serious risk to the woman's health or if there is a high probability that the fetus has a severe and incurable condition. France's healthcare system ensures that abortion services are accessible and covered by national health insurance.


With the Netherlands known for its comprehensive and accessible abortion services and an 86% scorecard, women can request an abortion up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, with a mandatory five-day waiting period after the initial consultation. The Dutch healthcare system ensures that abortion services are widely available and covered by health insurance, making it easier for women to access the care they need.


With a score sheet of 84%, abortion is permitted within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy in Germany. This is after the woman has undergone mandatory counselling at a state-approved centre at least three days before the procedure. This counselling is intended to ensure that the woman is making an informed decision.

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, abortion is legal up to 24 weeks of pregnancy under the Abortion Act 1967, provided certain conditions are met, such as risks to the physical or mental health of the woman or existing children. The UK shares the same score sheet with Germany; 84% and in exceptional cases, such as severe fetal abnormalities or risks to the woman's life, abortions can be performed beyond 24 weeks. The National Health Service (NHS) provides abortion services, ensuring they are accessible and free at the point of use.

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