Top countries with the highest cancer incidence per 100,000 people

Cancer, a condition where abnormal cells multiply rapidly and invade body tissues to cause damage remains a significant global health challenge.

This disease has varying incidence rates across different countries in the world.

Some countries have higher cancer incidence and understanding the varying numbers can provide insights into the factors contributing to these rates and help in developing targeted prevention and treatment strategies.

Let's explore the top countries with the highest cancer incidence in the world:

  • Denmark: In Denmark, there are 335 cancer cases per 100,000 people per year. This makes it the first country on the list.
  • Ireland: Ireland comes in second with 325 cancer incidence in 100,000 individuals annually.
  • Belgium: With 323 cancer diagnoses among 100,000 people annually, Belgium is third on the list of countries with high cancer incidence.
  • Hungary: 322 cases of cancer are recorded among 100,000 people annually in Hungary. This makes the country the fourth on the list.
  • France: France records 320 cancer cases in 100,000 people per year.
  • Netherlands: Among 100,000 individuals in the Netherlands, 315 cancer cases are recorded annually.
  • Australia and Norway: Australia and Norway make a tie 312 cancer cases recorded among 100,000 people per year.

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