Top countries with the highest daily alcohol consumers

In Europe, people aged 15 and over drink an average of 9.5 liters of pure alcohol each year. This amount is like drinking around 190 litres of beer, 80 litres of wine, or 24 litres of spirits.
These numbers come from the 2021 European Health Report by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Alcohol consumption is sometimes attributed to colder regions with less sunlight compared to warmer regions but globally, high alcohol consumption has become a significant issue. Alcohol misuse is the seventh-leading risk factor for premature death and disability according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse.
Varying patterns and cultural influences contribute to high alcohol consumption globally. We take a closer look at some of the countries with the highest daily alcohol consumption rates.
Portugal stands out as one of the top countries with the highest daily alcohol consumption in Europe. Recent reports indicate that around 21.4 % of the Portuguese population drinks alcohol daily, with wine being the most consumed beverage. There are also drinking gaps where men drink alcohol more than women. The drinking habits of people in Portugal are partly attributed to the cultural norm of enjoying wine with meals, especially dinner. The country’s high alcohol consumption is also linked to its strong wine production industry, making wine affordable and easily accessible.
Spain follows closely with high numbers of Spaniards consuming alcohol daily. Statistics revealed by Land_geist based on numbers from Eurostat reveal that about 13.5% of Spaniards drink alcohol daily, mostly wine and beer. The country’s "tapas" culture, where small plates of food are often accompanied by drinks, sometimes contributes to regular alcohol intake. This drinking pattern is deeply ingrained in socialisation with alcohol consumption being a common part of social gatherings and meals.
Alcohol intake in Italy has been increasing over the years. Now the country also ranks high in daily alcohol consumption, with wine playing a central role in its drinking culture. Approximately 12.4% of Italians consume alcohol daily, mainly due to the tradition of having wine with lunch and dinner. Many Italians usually have leisurely meals with family and friends, accompanied by alcohol, adding to the rising numbers in consumption.
France is fourth on the list with a record of 10.4% daily alcohol consumption. For a country where alcohol advertisement on television and in cinemas is illegal, there’s quite a huge amount of consumption by its citizens. Alcohol intake is more popular among men than in women. More than four men compared to one woman out of ten are affected. Excessive drinking is more common amongst persons living alone, men or women, while moderate drinking is more prevalent amongst those living in families. Wine is particularly popular, enjoyed both with meals and as a social beverage. The country's strong wine production and consumption tradition and its social drinking norms have made alcohol a regular part of daily life for many French people.
Other countries in the ranks include Croatia (10.4%), Belgium (10.1%) and Denmark (10.0%). These three countries are the only countries outside of the southern half of Europe where 10% or more consume alcohol every day.
Turkey (0.5%) and Lithuania (0.8%) are the only countries in Europe where less than 1% of adults consume alcohol every day. In most of the Nordic and Baltic countries, that percentage is also very low.
In Europe, Turkey (0.5%) and Lithuania (0.8%) have the lowest daily alcohol consumption rates, with less than 1% of adults drinking alcohol every day. In many Nordic and Baltic countries, daily alcohol consumption is also very low.