
Traditional Filipino dance captivates audiences: Video

Students at Dansalan Polytechnic College in Marawi City in the Philippines were treated to a captivating display of traditional Filipino culture.

During the school's 23rd anniversary on September 24, the students witnessed the performance of singkil, a traditional dance of the Maranao people in Southern Philippines.

The "folk" dance is said to have originated in the Lake Lanao region of Mindanao Island in the southern Philippines—inspired by a story found in the Maranao epic "Darangen," which is based on the Hindu epic Ramayana.

The Filipino dance involves rich ornamental costumes. The lead female and her male counterpart and other dancers dance between rhythmically striking bamboo poles held by the fellow dance troupe.

"There were eight teams that performed. Singkil caught all the attention. It was so beautiful," one student told Reuters after watching the performance.

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