Uganda recalls ambassador to UAE over gambling investigations

Source: Ugandan Parliament/X

Uganda's Consul General to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Ambassador Henry Mayega, has been recalled to assist with an ongoing investigation into reports that gambling machines were illegally operated at Uganda’s Consulate in Dubai. 

The recall follows allegations that the machines, which were privately procured and shipped under diplomatic cover between Russia and the Middle East, were discovered in the consulate building, the Monitor reports.

State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Okello Oryem, confirmed the recall, emphasising that it was part of the investigative process rather than a punitive action. "Yes, Ambassador Mayega was recalled to help with the investigation, but it is not true that he has been expelled from the UAE," Oryem clarified.

He added that the investigation is being conducted by the Police and the External Security Organisation (ESO) since the incident occurred outside Uganda.

"What happened in our mission in Dubai is regrettable, but there are ongoing investigations to find out who authorised the events in our mission," Oryem stated. He also noted that if the officials are found guilty, they will not return to Dubai, but if they are cleared of any wrongdoing, they will be reinstated.

Despite the controversy, Oryem assured that Uganda's diplomatic relations with the UAE remain strong and unaffected by the incident. "It is a small storm in a teacup; it does not stretch our strong relations in the UAE," he said.

Reacting to the situation, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Haruna Nkunyingi Muwada, criticised the deployment of ambassadors and foreign service staff, claiming that many lack proper guidance and knowledge of foreign policy. "I have regularly raised concerns over the deployment of ambassadors and foreign service staff who are largely political appointees. On the list of 38 missions, 95 percent of them are ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM)-leaning political appointees," Nkunyingi said. He suggested that the incident in Dubai should serve as a cautionary example for other Ugandan diplomats.

Nkunyingi also expressed concern about the potential repercussions for Ugandans travelling to the UAE. 

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