250,000 Mozambicans displaced by Islamist terrorists return home

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Source: AI with Dall-E

Over 250,000 Mozambicans displaced by terrorists with ties to the Islamic State in parts of Mozambique's northern province of Cabo Delgado returned to their homes.

Following coordinated operations by the Rwanda Security Forces (RSF) and the Mozambican army, the individuals were able to go back home after the devastations caused by Islamist terrorists the Ansar al-Sunnah wal Jama’a in the coastal regions forcing the displacement of hundreds of thousands and the death of over 4,000 people since 2017, Rwandan media the New Times reported.

“We are committed and well-prepared to ensure security in the areas under our control so that security in Cabo Delgado Province is fully restored,” Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame told reporters.

“All these operations contributed much to the defeat of the terrorists and, as a result, internally displaced people returned to their homes on the average of 87 per cent,” he added.

According to the New Times, Rwanda sent 1,000 troops to Cabo Delgado in July 2021 at the government of Mozambique's request.

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