Pakistan Roundup: Zuckerberg's 'death sentence', IMF praise economic reforms, US soybean imports resume#Pakistan#USA#IMF
Why Singapore has detained an 18-year-old since December 2024: Video#Singapore#detention#radicalization
Tunisia Roundup: Irregular migration, state of emergency extended, ties with Italy#Tunisia#UK partnership#irregular migration
Cuba calls US removal from Terror List 'positive' but 'limited': Video#Americas#Carribean#United States
Turkey Roundup: 2024 as hottest year, decrease in stocks sales, 'attack' on LGBTQ community#Turkey#Climate change#LGBTQ rights
Reactions after Bourbon Street opened barely 36 hours after deadly attack: Video#Bourbon Street#public safety#Terrorism
EU envoy criticises African leaders' reluctance to address human rights issues: Video#Africa#Sub-Saharan Africa#North Africa
Somalia Roundup: Debt cancellation, relocation of Ethiopian embassy, 9/11-style terrorist attack#Somalia#Africa#Debt
Malians express fear and frustration after deadly jihadist attack in Bamako: Video#Africa#West Africa#Mali