
Are we on the verge of another pandemic?: Video

A renowned microbiologist in Hong Kong, Yuen Kwok-Yung has been at the forefront of battling deadly viruses like SARS, which he helped identify. Looking ahead, Yuen issues a stark warning: another pandemic is possible and could be more devastating than COVID-19.

In a recent interview, he emphasized the need for the public and global leaders to acknowledge this inevitability, saying it may arrive sooner than expected due to rapid geopolitical, economic, and climatic shifts.

"This time it may be 400 million people dying," Yuen who is a globally recognised authority on coronaviruses and infectious diseases told the AFP. "So I still think that at this stage in time, it's important to properly do an investigation (on COVID-19) in a very open, transparent manner so that you learn the lessons so that you know what to do next."

The World Health Organization has urged China to increase transparency regarding the origins of the pandemic. Last year, Yuen also established the Pandemic Research Alliance alongside colleagues from mainland China and the United States, aiming to exchange information and conduct research on potential future threats.

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