Burkina Faso Roundup: Terrorist attacks, football, ECOWAS withdrawal

A man holds his national flag as people gather to show their support to the Junta leader Ibrahim Traore and demand the departure of the French ambassador at the Place de la Nation in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso January 20, 2023. REUTERS/Vincent Bado
Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/burkina-faso-junta-says-it-thwarted-coup-attempt-tuesday-2023-09-27/

Safety precautions for citizens

Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralisation, and Security Émile Zerbo has called for intensified vigilance and close cooperation with the Defense and Security Forces (FDS) to fight against terrorism in the country. According to him, it is important that citizens collaborate with the defense and security forces to combat constant terrorism threats, a Ouaga reports. Citizens have been encouraged to report suspicious behavior they notice around them as well as shootings or unusual vehicle movements around risk areas. This follows a terrorist attack on February 25 during which fourteen people lost their lives in Natiaboani in the Eastern region of the country.

Terrorist attacks neutralised

The Burkina Faso army has neutralized several terrorists who were found heading towards the Niger border on February 25. According to local news outlet Sidwaya, the group was packed in a pickup and attacked the town of Tankoualou in the Eastern Region. They were neutralized by a missile from the country’s army while returning to the Niger border at top speed, the report further said.

Burkina Faso loses in football friendlies

The Burkina Faso Women’s Team, the Stallions lost again to Algeria in an international friendly match on February 7, 2024. The match which was played at the Nelson Mandela Stadium in Baraki in Algiers Province, Northern Algeria. The team lost in a 3-0 defeat to Algeria following another friendly match which they also lost by 2 goals to Algeria, according to Burkina 24.

Foreign Ministry meets with AES diplomatic corps

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabe Abroad, Karamoko Jean Marie Traore has met with the heads of diplomatic missions and Posts consular accredited to Burkina Faso to discuss official information on the withdrawal of the country from the Economic Community of African States (ECOWAS). The meeting on February 27 was necessary to avoid various interpretations and to steer a clear course for the countries involved, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali. The diplomatic corps welcomed the initiative, Le Faso reported.

Forum for African Development

The 1st edition of the African Forum for Economic Renewal (FARE) is scheduled to come off from March 1 to 2, 2024 in the capital city of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou. The event themed, “Building a strong and sustainable intra-African economy” is aimed at reflecting on the true development of Africa and finding solutions. Mali is the guest country of honour for the first edition of the programme. The event will involve several interactive sessions and roundtables, Burkina 24 reports.

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