Chileans march to remember lost victims during dictatorship: Video

Hundreds of Chileans marched through Santiago on August 31 to remember the 119 disappeared detainees of the operation Colombo.

Demonstrators carried photos of the disappeared, party banners, and the Mapuche flag as they marched.

This forms part of the 51st anniversary of the coup that ousted socialist President Salvador Allende of the Popular Unity government.

The military bombed the La Moneda presidential palace on September 11, 1973, and the president at the time killed himself during the attack.

Augusto Pinochet who led the junta took over with dictatorship from 1973 to March 11, 1990, when citizens chose to return to democracy after a plebiscite in 1988.

About 119 persons are said to have disappeared during the period and they are celebrated every year. Over 3,000 people were murdered and 40,000 tortured under the dictatorship.

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