Colombia explores BRICS membership with India ahead of 16th summit

Colombia has initiated discussions with India regarding its potential membership in BRICS, the economic bloc comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
This move comes ahead of the 16th BRICS Summit, scheduled to be held in Kazan, Russia, from October 22 to October 24, 2024.
Jorge Enrique Rojas Rodriguez, Colombia's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, visited Delhi for the 10th India-Colombia Foreign Office Consultations. He confirmed that Colombian President Gustavo Petro and Brazilian President Lula da Silva had already discussed Colombia's entry into BRICS during a recent meeting in Bogota.
“We are still exploring this subject. And for this reason, we came to India to have a discussion and to know the opinion of India. We are also in touch with South Africa and Brazil, and we feel this will give a boost to global south ties, and the entry of Colombia into BRICS will also happen after discussions and exploration,” Rodriguez told WION.
When asked specifically about Colombia's conversation with India concerning BRICS membership, Rodriguez added, “There were a lot of interests and expectations, and also the world should see this phenomenon from the point of view of the Global South. We also have to explore these points of view with other countries as well.”
Earlier this year, the Russian Federation Council claimed that 40 nations were applying for BRICS membership. It was reported that Algeria, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Senegal, Thailand, Venezuela, Vietnam, and several others had already submitted membership applications.
Beyond BRICS, Colombia has also expressed interest in India’s Global Biofuel Alliance, an initiative announced during the 2023 G20 New Delhi summit on September 9, aimed at promoting sustainable biofuel development and establishing global standards for biofuel certification.