
Discover the enchanting art of Moroccan traditional wood painting: Video

Wood painting in Morocco, known as Tazouaqt or Zouaq, is a traditional art form that has been practised for centuries.

The art of Zouaq involves creating complex designs that are both geometric and biomorphic. Artisans use templates to trace patterns onto wood, which are then hand-painted with vibrant colours. Common motifs include stars, flowers, and intricate arabesques.

Wood painting has deep roots in Moroccan culture and is often seen in the decoration of private homes, palaces, and sacred spaces. Cities like Fez, Marrakech, and Chefchaouen are renowned for their exquisite painted wooden works.

Despite its beauty, traditional wood painting faces challenges in the modern era. There is the rise of mass-produced items and a decline in the number of skilled artisans threatening the survival of this craft.

However, artisans like Mustapha Laaroussi are dedicated to preserving this craft. By teaching the younger generation and promoting the cultural significance of wood painting, they hope to keep this tradition alive.

"This craft is in danger of disappearing, for want of a new generation to carry the torch that we hold today. In my workshop, I also work as a trainer to prepare new generations. However, I've noticed a growing lack of interest in many traditional crafts such as plastering and handmade zellige. We want to train new apprentices to ensure that these skills live on and prevent them from disappearing," he said.

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