Discover the most significant events of May 28 over the centuries

May 28, is a day that has been marked by a series of significant events that have contributed to the rich fabric of global heritage and culture over the years.

This date has witnessed events that have shaped the path of human history. Below are some notable events in history that happened on May 28

ECOWAS is founded

On May 28, 1975, the Economic Community of West African Countries (ECOWAS) was created by the Treaty of Lagos signed by 15 heads of state. ECOWAS was established to foster cooperation and integration to create an economic and monetary union that promotes economic growth and development in West Africa.

Total eclipse

May 28 is notably remembered for the solar eclipse in 585 BC, which Greek philosopher Thales accurately predicted, leading to a truce between the warring Lydians and Medes—a momentous event that stands as one of the cardinal dates from which other dates are calculated.

Nepal becomes a republic

May 28 is commemorated as a public holiday in Nepal as it signifies the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly of the country. This meeting ended the 240-year-old rule of Shah kings and the monarchy system in Nepal which eventually became a republic on May 28, 2008.

End of the Ethiopian Civil War

In Ethiopia, May 28 signifies freedom from the terrific hands of the Derg communist military junta. Just like in Nepal, May 28 is a public holiday in Ethiopia but used to commemorate the end of a civil war that claimed countless lives as the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front overthrew the Derg regime. The civil war was fought from September 12, 1974, to May 28, 1991.

Menstrual Hygiene Day

Menstrual Hygiene Day, observed on May 28, is a global awareness day that aims to break the taboos and stigma surrounding menstruation. It's a movement that involves millions of individuals, organisations, and supporters working towards a #PeriodFriendlyWorld. It was first celebrated on May 28, 2014. This initiative emphasises the importance of good menstrual hygiene management (MHM) for women and girls worldwide as well as advocating for access to quality menstrual products, education, and period-friendly toilets.

Japan's agric minister commits suicide

Japan's agricultural minister, Toshikatsu Matsuoka, 62, was found unconscious in his apartment on May 28, 2007. A Tokyo Metropolitan Police official said he was declared dead hours after he was rushed to the hospital. Matsuoka's demise was reported just some hours before his scheduled appearance before parliament for questioning over allegations of claiming over $236,600 in utility fees despite renting a parliamentary office where utility costs are free.

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