
DR Congo sect pays tribute to victims of 2023 massacre, demand justice

Families and loved ones of more than 50 people killed by elite Democratic Republic of Congo troops a year ago gathered to pay tribute to their loved ones and demand true justice. 

The massacre, which took place in Goma, North Kivu province, targeted members of the mystic religious group, the Natural Judaic and Messianic Faith Towards the Nations. 

The tragedy occurred on August 30, 2023, when members of the elite Republican Guard stormed the sect's temple after the group’s leader, Ephraim Bisimwa, called for a protest demanding the departure of foreign NGOs and the UN force from the region. 

The protest had been banned by Goma’s mayor, leading to a deadly confrontation. The guards opened fire after sect members lynched a police officer, killing at least 57 people, according to Human Rights Watch. Passers-by were also among the casualties, the AFP reports.

In October 2023, Colonel Mike Mikombe, the commander of the unit responsible for the raid, and three others were sentenced to 10 years in prison. 

On the anniversary of the massacre, sect members gathered in their temple to honor the victims and call for justice. The sect, which bans cigarettes, factory-made drinks, and products made by Western methods, remains resolute. 

Bwinja Amani, a sect leader, stated, "The scars will remain in the hearts of the victims, and particularly within our community, as long as the Congolese state fails to address the damage we have suffered. But measures have already been taken to prevent such an incident from happening again."

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