Former DRC warlord Lumbala to stand trial in France for war crimes

Source: Minority Rights Group International on Twitter:

A French judge has indicted former Democratic Republic of Congo rebel leader Roger Lumbala for crimes against humanity.

A trial has been set in France for Lumbala who has been accused of murder, torture and rape as a form of torture, all of which he is said to have perpetrated in the Democratic Republic of Congo between 2002 and 2003, AFP reported.

617 violent incidents happened in the DRC between March 1993 and June 2003. Every one of these instances suggested that there were flagrant breaches of international humanitarian law and human rights, the United Nations reported in 2003.

Lumbala was detained in Paris in December 2021 and was the subject of an official inquiry for “complicity in crimes against humanity,” according to French anti-terror prosecutors.

There have been reactions from human rights groups and NGOs from the international community on social media following this announcement.

Minority Rights Group International on X
Executive director for Trial, an international NGO based in Switzerland also reacted on his social media

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