How the 9/11 tragedy reached beyond U.S. borders

The 9/11 attack on the United States in September 2001 was a devastating event that claimed 2,996 lives in the U.S., but the impact extended far beyond American borders, affecting numerous countries worldwide.
The United States recorded the highest number of fatalities—2624 victims. The United Kingdom, a key U.S. ally, lost 67 citizens while the Dominican Republic and India suffered 47 and 41 casualties, respectively. Canada and Japan each reported 24 fatalities, and Colombia, the Philippines, Jamaica, and Mexico each lost 16 individuals, Memorial Mapping reports.
Australia and Germany recorded 11 fatalities each, while Argentina, Brazil, and Chile had smaller losses, with 4, 3, and 3 deaths, respectively. Bangladesh and Ireland reported 6 casualties each, and Pakistan recorded 8.
African countries like Cote d’Ivoire recorded one fatality, DR Congo recorded two fatalities, and Ethiopia and Ghana recorded two casualties each. While Nigeria and South Africa recorded 1 and two fatalities, respectively.
Countries like Israel, Portugal, and Peru saw 5 casualties, while others, including Belgium and Spain, lost just one citizen.