
Indonesia prepares ahead of Pope Francis' visit: Video

Indonesia is preparing for the arrival of Pope Francis ahead of his visit to the country.

The Pope is expected to arrive on August 3 as part of his 12-day trip to Southeast Asia.

He will fly to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia before heading to Papua Guinea and Singapore. Among other things, Pope Francis is looking forward to interacting with the Catholic communities and their governments. In Indonesia, the Pope is also expected to visit the largest mosque in Southeast Asia, the Istiqlal Mosque. He will also visit one of the oldest churches in Indonesia, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption.

Ahead of his visit, photos and welcoming messages have been posted at strategic points and within these facilities.

The Pope’s trip is iconic considering his age, 87 and health conditions. The last trip he took before this was to Marseille France in September 2023.

There is anticipation among some Indonesian citizens.

“I agree with and feel happy about the visit by the Pope to the Istiqlal Mosque because it represents good relationships between religions in the world,” Dindin Gunari, a Muslim citizen told AFP.

Another private employee said, “Nevertheless, Catholics are one of the minorities in Indonesia. So with the visit by the Pope, I hope there will be better attention to religious minorities”.

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