
Indonesia’s parliament halts election law changes amid protests: Video

Indonesia’s parliament has postponed a vote on contentious election law changes after violent protests erupted in the capital.

Demonstrators stormed the building, breached gates, and set fires, leading security forces to use tear gas and water cannons.

The proposed changes aimed to reverse recent constitutional court rulings, potentially allowing a vocal government critic to run in regional elections. Additionally, the legislation would pave the way for President Joko Widodo’s youngest son to run in Central Java this November.

"I came here to the parliament building to represent the aspiration of the people, because this country is now not in good condition, it has been damaged especially because of President Joko Widodo and his cronies," a protestor told AFP.

"Today, the state of democracy in Indonesia is messy and not in good order because of a lot of interference by Joko Widodo, who is abusing his power in the government," another protestor said.

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