Kenya Power stirs controversy after cutting down trees: summary


What we know

  • Environmental advocates in Kenya have raised concerns about recent activities by electricity transmission and distribution company Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) which they deem harmful to the environment. The company has been felling trees in various parts of Nairobi as part of efforts to clear power lines.
  • The areas affected include Embakasi, Karen, and near significant buildings like the Integrity Centre and Nairobi Primary School.
  • KPLC is accused of cutting down trees rather than pruning them. Environmentalists against the move say it contradicts the state's initiative to grow 15 billion trees over the next decade.
  • Residents of Nyayo estate, represented by Kenslaw associate advocates, have formally protested the cutting of trees and demanded that Kenya Power issue an apology as well as provide their official policy on tree trimming around power lines.
  • The demand letter has been copied to Energy and Petroleum CS, Environment CS, Attorney General, Director General Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority, Director General National Environment Management Authority, Managing Trustee National Social Security Fund, and Managing Director Legend Valuers Ltd.

What they said

Advocates through the letter gave KPLC an ultimatum of 14 days within which they indicate all demands must be met. Failure to do so according to them, will prompt further legal action. “Disciplinary action must be taken against the specific employees involved in this incident to ensure such unacceptable behaviour is not repeated in the future. We trust you will treat this matter with the utmost seriousness. We shall pursue further legal actions, including cost orders if these demands are not adequately addressed within 14 days,” portions of the petition were quoted by The Star.

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