Rare Siamese crocodile spotted in Thai national park after years

A rare Siamese crocodile has been seen in a Thai national park for the first time in over a decade.
Camera traps in Thung Salaeng Luang National Park captured images of the crocodile.
The crocodile was found along the Khlong Chomphu River by a research team studying wildlife in the area.
They first spotted it on March 5, and their camera traps later confirmed its presence. This is the first official sighting in the park since 2013, although some locals have claimed to see them over the years.
Siamese crocodiles were once common in Southeast Asia, including Thailand but hunting and the destruction of their natural homes have caused their numbers to drop sharply. They live in slow-moving rivers and lakes, usually alone, and mainly eat fish and small animals.
Experts say they are not dangerous to people unless they are disturbed.
The discovery suggests that a small population of these crocodiles may still be living in the park.
In Cambodia, efforts to breed and release the crocodiles back into the wild have helped their numbers grow, with over 1,000 released since 2012.
However, experts warn that threats remain.
Plans to build reservoirs near the river could harm the crocodile’s habitat, hence, conservationists are urging authorities to ensure that development projects do not put the species at risk.