South Korea to host its first-ever Africa summit

South Korea is set to host its maiden Africa Summit, marking a significant milestone in the relations between the Asian nation and the African continent.

The summit, scheduled for June 4 to June 5, 2024, is poised to take place at KINTEX in Ilsan and across Seoul, bringing together leaders and representatives from both regions to foster a future-oriented and sustainable partnership.

The summit is a platform for both parties to deliberate on a vision statement to guide their partnership. High-ranking officials from South Korea and Africa have already convened to craft this pivotal document, which will be unveiled as the defining outcome of the summit.

“Korea is willing not only to increase the quantity but also the quality and efficacy of its assistance to Africa. To this end, it provides tailored support to meet the needs and conditions of each African nation,” Chung Byung-won, South Korea’s Deputy Minister for Political Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The summit also reflects South Korea's willingness to share its expertise and technology to expedite the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). This will further contribute to Africa's economic development. Both sides have expressed the need to enhance economic cooperation by promoting trade and investment and expanding the institutional frameworks.

This is reiterated by the director-general for the Technology Cooperation Bureau of the Rural Development Administration, Kim Hwang Yon, who said, "Even if the technology is small, as long as it is rooted in the local people, it will have a significant impact. When Korea was in poverty, we received a lot of help from the international community, now we feel it is our turn to help,” when he spoke to a group of African journalists invited to Seoul ahead of the summit.

In preparation for this event, the 2024 Korea-Africa Summit Preparatory Office and Hyundai Motor Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for vehicle support. This collaboration will provide approximately 120 official protocol vehicles to facilitate the transportation needs of African leaders and their spouses during the Summit.

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